
As an organization, we acknowledge our clear obligation and responsibility to serve the wider community's needs. By fulfilling this duty, we uphold our shared values and provide our employees with a sense of involvement and engagement with the community.


In our operations, we strive to understand and address the priorities and concerns of the communities located close to us. We recognize that managing our impact on people is essential to being a responsible company. To support the surrounding communities, we partner with local NGOs or development bodies to promote social, welfare, education, and sports development.


We are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace that promotes our employees' well-being. Our workplace programs remain a key strength, and we aim to be recognized as an employer of choice. We value diversity and respect all individuals, providing opportunities for personal and professional development. We prioritize effective collaboration between employees through multicultural project teams.


Safety is our top priority. We prioritize the safety and health of our employees, clients, and all individuals involved in our business activities. Our central motto, "Safety First," underpins all our operations. We are dedicated to maintaining high safety and health standards for our customers.


We prioritize honesty, partnership, and fairness in all our dealings with clients and stakeholders. We are committed to maintaining ethical business practices and fostering relationships built on trust and integrity. We take great care to prevent any unfair business practices and ensure that our conditions and policies are equitable for all parties involved.


We are committed to adopting best practices for the greater benefit of the industry. We initiate proactive actions and mobilize our knowledge, expertise, and assistance to the industry whenever viable opportunities and avenues arise.


We recognize that our business activities have a direct and indirect impact on the community and environment in which we operate. It is our policy to manage this impact responsibly, aiming to reduce any adverse impact on the environment. We comply with and go beyond applicable minimum legal and other environmental requirements.

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